Greetings all,
The transformation of my life from an "earthly"driven life to a" spirit" filled life has evolved over a period of time as I matured in my Christian faith.
I promised our Father God that whatever amount of time I have left on this earth,I would spend it giving Him honor and glory by using my "gifts" to bring more of His children to Him .I asked the Holy Spirit to help me prepare my heart to listen to Him as He guides me to fulfill God's plan for me.It was time for me to "pick up the shovel"and make myself available to see the opportunities.I have been teaching a Bible study at one of our manufactured home parks,I have been involved in my home church, Faith Assembly of God,He has given me a servants heart to follow through wherever the leadership felt I was needed.The heart to expand beyond the church family along with my brother in Christ, Mr.Ted Gaines.Our prayers are being answered as we recognize and develop new ministries involving other faith based organizations.We are starting a "Living Free"series Monday at our local mens Teen Challenge.We are in conversation with Lee County Correctional Center to start a program from" F.amilies I.n T.raining " out of Bradenton Florida.A program for men that are in the transitional phase towards being released into society.There is much opportunity and I am in a hurry.I humbly ask for your prayers as Ted and I embark on this journey.
What does all this have to do with a BB club?What is a BB club?It all has to do with my being transformed {see first sentence}The BB club is this:
"We are Blessed by the grace of God
We are a Blessing by emulating Jesus."
This is the "Club" I want to belong to ;I recognize the wonderful gift of eternal life our Father God has given us through his son Jesus"s death on the cross;by his stripes,by his grace. I want to be a blessing by emulating Jesus for the rest of my earthly life.{recognizing the spirit is willing ,the flesh is weak},However,I will stay the course.
Have you been transformed by his saving grace?Are you not blessed?Don't you want to emulate Jesus?If you answered yes to these three questions,you are a practicing member of the "BB Club".
For those of you who know me,you will hear me sharing the fact that you are a BB person,as I see you emulating Jesus through your words and actions.Now you know what it means.Let's spread the word!
With Christian love,Joe