Sunday, July 25, 2010

As my voice said hello,my heart was saying goodbye.

Hi All,
I attended my 50 year high school class reunion in Port Huron Michigan the weekend of July the 23rd.I shared the "Lady Huron"cruise on Thursday, from the St.Clair river to the mouth of Lake Huron and back; viewing the many changes of the shoreline of my home town.I relived memories of the time spent, at the various sites where my classmates and I "played" in our youth. Friday night we gathered at the Black River Country Club for an evening of socializing,reminiscing,eating and being entertained by one of our very talented classmates who led us with his piano and voice expertise in dancing and singing various songs from our time past,of course including our school song.Saturday we met for lunch at "The Pavilion" on St.Clair river and viewed a slide show from past reunions,along with a time of remembrance for those classmates who have "gone" before us.
I took some personal time,that day, to spend with one of my classmates and her husband to tour their new home on the lake.I am very happy for their good health,along with their families and the many blessings they have in their life.
How can I describe the joy in my heart,the "youth"brought back to my mind and body,if only for a weekend?I have known most of my classmates from the time I was 6 years old.Part of the foundation for what I was to become as a man was based on our shared experiences.
Think of all the physical,mental and spiritual growth we all go through from the time we are 6 years old through the time we are 17 years old;the being accepted or not,the physical growth changes[puberty],the bonding with other males,the attraction to that other gender "girls",the spiritual awakening,helped by our "Immaculate Heart of Mary" Nuns, that we were created by God,with my own questions of:what are His plans for me?,am I ready to listen?,where do I fit in the whole scheme of things?
I am sure that some of my classmates had,at least a fleeting thought that this reunion will be the last time we see some of those around us.I know my thought process regards my earthly mortality,as well as,my spiritual readiness has been enhanced since my diagnosis of cancer.My Friday evening was a kaleidiscope of sweet memories,the first day of school with it's fear of the unknown and experiences to come,the first date,the first kiss,the first rejection,the first "pick up" basketball game in the driveway,of my soon to be life long friends,the first dance lessons and holding a girl in your arms,the beach parties,the dances at the Y.M.C.A.,the "Deck"at Pine Grove Park,at the "Dome" in the north end of town,the "parking"at Lakeside beach with the current "love of my life",the weekend adventures with the "corporation"[my 3 best friends],the participation in the "Hornet"sports programs;to include track,football and basketball with it's great victories and bitter defeats;both as a team and individually,the unrealized personal potential from too much nervousness when given the chance;in other words,all of lifes experiences starting as a 6 year old to a 17 year old teenager.Most of the classmates I shared these times with were at the reunion and, in my own way,I relived their part in all of these things and thanked them in my heart for being part of the tapestry of my life.
I, like all of us,don't know what the future will hold,but I know God has blessed me with a rich and rewarding life surrounded by family and friends who love me.
I have chosen God's house,many years ago for the balance of my earthly walk and I thank Him for giving me these precious friends and the memories of times shared that always brings a warm smile to my face.
Until next time,God bless,Joe

Sunday, July 11, 2010

If we are living each day as our last day;what does it matter how many days we have left?

Hi All,
I expect to get the results of my tests from the Doctor tomorrow.[For those of you who don't know,I was diagnosed with neck cancer in November of last year]My first two tests,over a period of 7 months, have come back negative for "live" cancer cells.All glory to God!
I have the philosophy that,for most of us, no matter our age,if you perceive yourself as "healthy" with a few aches and pains,you do not have the same note of urgency about the time limits you have left in your mortal life,as when the Doctor says "you have cancer"or "you have 3 months to live" or "there's nothing more we can do for you"
I realize we all know we are going to die,however,wouldn't you agree there are some statements ,as above,that brings the truth of our mortality to the forefront of our brains' thought process.I like to say, prior to my diagnosis,I thought I was walking with God,now I am RUNNING towards God;it didn't make me a bad person,I AM a born again practicing my faith in God the Father,Son Jesus as my Savior,and the Holy Ghost living within me,the point being WAS I LIVING MY LIFE EACH DAY AS IF IT WAS GOING TO BE MY LAST?The answer is NO!Come with me now and I will tell you why my answer is NO.I will only give you a few of my weaknesses,otherwise this letter becomes a book.
I tend to be:
.impatient,controlling,selfish to my needs,I listen less and talk more,in other words"What about me"!
I have been aware of these failings, and many more, and have been working on them from the foundation of God's love for me through His word for many years.I know I am a better Christian man in my 60's then I was in my 50's,then my 40's etc.,however,the bell tolls,I can see my mortality through the diagnosis of cancer.
The rubber has hit the road,how strong is my faith in what Jesus said,John 11:25,26"I am the resurrection and the life.Those who believe in me ,even though they die like everyone else,will live again.They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish.Do you believe this,Martha?"Isn't this the most important question of our entire life?My answer to Jesus is YES!
My life has changed in the following ways since the diagnosis:
God is first,all the rest follows.
I am taking one day at a time.
I am more "Spiritually minded"
I don't sweat the small stuff;it's all small stuff
I appreciate and share the love I have for my family and friends,even more than the past,my actions as well as,words.
When I feel the devil bringing fear to my heart on my earthly death,I tell him to leave;I have chosen God's house[see John 11:25,26 above]
In closing ,please use my life's experience concerning my mortal walk ,to help you "truly"live as if,today is your last day on earth.
With Christian love,Joe

PS.A big thanks to Pastor Goss for his teachings today!

Friday, July 9, 2010

When do our afflictions become a blessing?

Hi All,
I was "Skypeing"[free voice and video on the internet],with a relative yesterday,and he was sharing with me how depressed he was because of the pain he was having from the physical therapy on his surgically repaired shattered ankle;furthermore, he was concerned with how much of an effect the damaged ankle would have on his ability to continue the mission work he felt God has called him to do.
This particular relative has a special place in my heart and I felt terrible for him.We discussed the faithfulness of God and how God can heal his ankle and continue to show him the way to full-fill God's plan for his life.We agreed prayer was in order and faithfulness from us in relying on God's word.
During our conversation ,my relative mentioned a church member whom he had not seen at the latest church service.The reason he was concerned is,she has been in a wheel chair,because of polio,for the last 50 years,since she was a young adult.My relative thought it was possible she didn't have transportation to church;he called her and reminded her that he was always available to give her a ride.
You may be wondering where I'm going with this,stay with me lol.
The natural progression of my relative and my conversation was to discuss the Christian attitude, positive and cheerful demeanor of a woman who has been in a wheel chair for the vast majority of her life.Little did she know that "HER AFFLICTION BECAME A BLESSING TO MY RELATIVE"His problems with his ankle became so trivial compared to her lifelong trial.
The lesson becomes,when affliction comes into our life do we allow it to become a blessing to those around us,simply by the way we handle it?God didn't say He would take us around the fire, He said He would take us THROUGH the fire.Darkness comes to all of us ,in one form or another, it is then that we make the decision to give it to our God,or wallow in our misery.
People in our lives are always watching us,how we react to our experiences,negative and positive,are you a blessing to help someone else see the working of your faith in God in your life?or,just another poor soul overwhelmed with life's trials and tribulations without a spiritual foundation to know that God is always with you.
Until next time,with Christian love,Joe

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What do people see of me through their eyes?

Hi All,
I want to share another of my life's experience with you today.This experience happened at a weekly Bible Study that a group of us Christian men have been having for the past several years.We have become very open with each other through the years as we discussed,not only God's word,but every day happenings in each of our lives.Trusting each other would be the correct word,also we mentor each other as we found out that "Man" thoughts run rampant within each of us;in other words,we are only unique as men to women,not men to men.
I technicolor[give you background] to lay the foundation for how this learning experience happened.In my mind,"A SPIRITUAL EYE OPENER".
Our discussion,that day was centered on the fact that, because of our poor economy in Lee County it had adversely affected several of us;one of our members had been looking for a job for over a year ,with no results,even after several sit down interviews.He then said,I quote"I feel as if God has abandoned me"I was immediately hit with such an overpowering emotion that it brought tears to my eyes and I said;IF YOU COULD SEE YOURSELF THROUGH MY EYES,you would know He hasn't left you ,because I see God in your actions,words and how you have remained faithful in praising His goodness towards you!The Holy Spirit put it on my heart to go around the room and share with each man there that if they could see themselves through my eyes they would know that I was a far better Christian because of each of their impact on my Christian walk.
I reflected on that Friday morning for several weeks and the Holy Spirit continued to refine the experience until I took that thought process to my own life and asked myself this question[you need to come with me now,ask yourself]"WHAT DO PEOPLE SEE OF ME THROUGH THEIR EYES"?]
I want you to think for a minute of all the people in your life,ex:wife,husband,child,grandchild,friends,etc.etc.;it is important for all of us to realize ,it isn't what you see,it's what THEY see!As an illustration;what does my wife see of me?a kind,generous,patient husband,or,impatient,not taking time to listen,not now attitude.How about my grandchildren when they visit,don't touch that,clean up your mess,use the car,are you kidding!Are you following me?
I would humbly ask you to test the theory that perhaps someone in your life sees you differently than you see yourself.Try this:ask a person in your life the following questions,do you know I love you,think I love you,or wish that I loved you?The purpose is not to challenge their answer if it's different than you think it should be,but,to truly listen and grow!
I know that for the rest of my life i will often ask myself the question"WHAT DO PEOPLE SEE OF ME THROUGH THEIR EYES?" to help me be a blessing to them and not always concentrating on my selfish wants and desires.
Until next time,God bless each of you,Joe

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Why didn't i take the time ?

Hi All,
I want to share a story with you today.
I'm going back to January of 1963,I was with my father this particular evening watching a high school basketball game at my Alma mater;as it turns out,I had to leave the game before it was completed,I said a typical goodbye to my dad"see you tomorrow" and went home.
The next day,at work,I received a call from our Priest that my father had past away of a massive blood clot that shut off the supply of blood to his brain.
I won't go into great detail of the shock my family and I went through,my father was only 53 yrs. old at the time of his death.
The last day ,before the casket was closed, I was looking at my father's remains and thinking to myself,if I only had one more time to tell him how much I loved him and to kiss him.I was 20 yrs.old when my father died,and typical of most young men my generation I was long past hugging and kissing my father.I made a promise to myself, at that moment, that from that time on I would hug and kiss my children,tell them i love them no matter how old they were,particularly if they were boys,[I have 2 boys,no girls]I didn't want to have to say "Why didn't I take the time"? ever again.I also,would let my family members and my friends know how important they were to me.
You must be asking why I shared this story with you ;I'm glad you asked !!!Today I was invited by one of my fellow church members to join her and her young family in going to a local nursing home to sing Patriotic songs in celebration of our independence day,July 4.What a blessing to me,however,in conversation with one of the caretakers,she shared with me how lonely most of these senior citizens were,they had family who lived as little as a mile away and rarely visited.I was so saddened by this and I remembered my experience of my fathers' untimely death,and thought ,how many of these family members are going to experience the question of "WHY DIDN'T I TAKE THE TIME?
The lesson today is to share this life changing experience of mine, so that ,possibly you won't have to experience this tragic question in your life.I would humbly suggest, that as you go through your life take the time to communicate with your loved ones on a regular basis,and let them know how much you love them,and that your glad their part of your life's experience.
Until next time,God Bless you ,Joe

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Glory of God

Hi Everyone,
Today God put it on my heart to talk about His Glory.
Everything we accomplish, as a Christian, must be for the glory of God. I am including all things, from the day we were saved to all our earthly success, all our earthly trials, all our spiritual awakenings, to overcoming the devils' temptations.
God has put it in our hearts that the Holy Spirit is always with us once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior; it is then we realize God was ALWAYS available to us. We had to make the choice to choose His House.
As the t.v. commercial goes "can you hear me now", for so many years i said "no", once i did "hear Him" He said "good "My getting it was surely for His Glory! I must represent myself to other Christians and non-believers as a walking,practicing,growing in God's word, Christian for the glory of God; not mine as "look what I'm doing", it's look what God is doing in my life. This is a "right" heart issue; it's from our heart being given completely to God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit that we can know the Glory goes to God.
When i started this message, I said God has put it on my heart, as i think about it ,God puts all things right on our heart, this is how the Holy Spirit directs us. We are not to go through life prefacing everything we do with "God has put it on my heart ";in the first place, the devil puts it on our heart to sin. The answer is to listen to the Holy Spirit as He puts All Glory to God on our heart and react as a Christian.
In essence then, as we grow in the knowledge of God's word the people we come into contact with will see the Glory of God through our heart actions.
The Holy Spirit God speaks softly and will not beg us to take Gods' path, we answer His calling or not, through our free choice.So,for most of my life i needed a sledge hammer, now, i get it,all glory to God. God bless, until next time.

Friday, July 2, 2010

When will "True" government change come ?

Hi All,
I am truly convinced that change, in our government will only come when we vote for term limits and eliminate "Lobbying".I realize we all "lobby" for something;ex:a raise in pay,however it becomes tainted when i pay the giver of my raise a kickback of 10%.All politicians are tainted by the process,that is ,help fund my campaign and i will listen to you,in other words "you" will have a voice in my decisions.
Politicians must always listen to all sides of an issue then vote on what is best for the majority of their constituents,money giving is the start of corruption.I can give examples of how to change the process,however i will ask you to consider the thought of eliminating paid lobbying first.
Our founding Fathers knew the value of public service,however for a period of time not, a vocation for life.
I expect my blog to open the discussions to many subjects,concentrating on what i have experienced in both my earthly walk ,as well as, my spiritual walk.
I enjoy vigorous debate,mine is not to have all the answers,but a well thought out opinion.
Until next time,Joe