Friday, July 9, 2010

When do our afflictions become a blessing?

Hi All,
I was "Skypeing"[free voice and video on the internet],with a relative yesterday,and he was sharing with me how depressed he was because of the pain he was having from the physical therapy on his surgically repaired shattered ankle;furthermore, he was concerned with how much of an effect the damaged ankle would have on his ability to continue the mission work he felt God has called him to do.
This particular relative has a special place in my heart and I felt terrible for him.We discussed the faithfulness of God and how God can heal his ankle and continue to show him the way to full-fill God's plan for his life.We agreed prayer was in order and faithfulness from us in relying on God's word.
During our conversation ,my relative mentioned a church member whom he had not seen at the latest church service.The reason he was concerned is,she has been in a wheel chair,because of polio,for the last 50 years,since she was a young adult.My relative thought it was possible she didn't have transportation to church;he called her and reminded her that he was always available to give her a ride.
You may be wondering where I'm going with this,stay with me lol.
The natural progression of my relative and my conversation was to discuss the Christian attitude, positive and cheerful demeanor of a woman who has been in a wheel chair for the vast majority of her life.Little did she know that "HER AFFLICTION BECAME A BLESSING TO MY RELATIVE"His problems with his ankle became so trivial compared to her lifelong trial.
The lesson becomes,when affliction comes into our life do we allow it to become a blessing to those around us,simply by the way we handle it?God didn't say He would take us around the fire, He said He would take us THROUGH the fire.Darkness comes to all of us ,in one form or another, it is then that we make the decision to give it to our God,or wallow in our misery.
People in our lives are always watching us,how we react to our experiences,negative and positive,are you a blessing to help someone else see the working of your faith in God in your life?or,just another poor soul overwhelmed with life's trials and tribulations without a spiritual foundation to know that God is always with you.
Until next time,with Christian love,Joe

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