Hi All,
Today is a beautiful sunny day, with low humidity in S.West Fla. I just finished my 1 hour walk in the neighborhood.I was thinking about my "route" to take and started to reflect on the power that sits within each of us in determining the "WALK TOWARD OR AWAY FROM"decisions we make in our life.Upon reflection,every decision I made in my life,good or bad,was my responsibility and no others,my "free will"you might say.My blaming a bad decision on someone else has it's beginning all the way back to the time of Adam and Eve,remember the forbidden fruit?"She made me do it".
I can even say that part of the reason I have cancer is from the food and drink choices I made throughout my life;it is true I was ignorant to a great degree, on the adverse affects of sugar,preservatives and chemicals added to my food, and the later ramifications of those choices on my body;however,doesn't that bring home the responsibility we have to make an INFORMED decision!I find it interesting that even though I share the FACTS of what I have found out concerning the foods we put in our body, and how they are causing the United States Of America citizens to have more cancer,heart attacks and diabetes than any other country in the world,my family and friends who perceive themselves to be healthy nod their heads and continue to eat and drink exactly as before.The motto is "I'm sorry for you and glad it's not me",however, like many things in our life we don't want to walk towards healthy living by making the necessary changes in our eating habits to cause a positive change in our bodies.
I have found the same to be true in my spiritual walk.I WALKED AWAY FROM GOD every time I decided to WALK TOWARDS THE DEVIL to satisfy my sinful nature!Man,could I find excuses!To a great degree, isn't that the story of our life,the struggle to WALK TOWARDS GOD AND WALK AWAY FROM THE DEVIL?
Wouldn't you agree,the choices of what we put in our bodies should be based on the facts of the ramifications of that choice, then we accept the consequences good or bad.It is so true of our spiritual choices;God wants us to WALK TOWARDS HIS HOUSE,God wants us to choose Him.I/We might consider to remember this:
.Sin is selfish;God is selfless
.The devil hates us;God loves us.
.The devil wants us with him-eternal damnation.
.God wants us with Him-eternal salvation.
Until next time,God bless all of you on your journey towards Him,Joe
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