Hi All,
Is your boat/car your God?Is your money your God?Is your house your God?Are there other objects or activities that are your God?Let me explain.Most Christians know what financial tithing means:10% of all income to be given to the Lord.
"Time Tithing"is; do we give at least ten percent of our time to God?By the way,what a pitiful percent!However,don't be hasty to judge your time as being more than that!Let's review the available time we have in our life to do whatever we want.[By the way,this lesson of time spent was put on my heart several years ago when I was reviewing my spiritual walk compared to my earthly walk.]There are 24 hours in a day,most people work 8 hours a day 5 days a week, leaving 8 hours to sleep and 8 hours to do whatever we want.8 hours times 5 =40 hours Monday through Friday to do whatever we want.On the weekend we still have 8 hours to sleep each day leaving 16 hours each of these 2 days to do whatever we want.Stay with me;the math shows us that we have 72 hours each week to do whatever we want;if your retired you can add time to the equation, this is all about the use of our "free"time.If you go to church on Sunday,let's allow 2 hours to the Lord;that is, 1 hour to get to church and 1 hour for the service;I am being very generous!Let's do the same if you attend a week day service,2 hours to the Lord,and the same if you attend a weekly Bible study,2 hours to the Lord.Further, let's give ourselves 2 hours per week of personal prayer time.Now we will add up our time spent with the Lord;2hours Sunday,2 hours weekday service,2 hours Bible study,2 hours personal prayer time,for a grand total of 8 hours per week,IF YOU ARE DOING ALL OF THE ABOVE!!72 hours in each week to do whatever we want, 8 hours of actual time with the Lord=approximately 11.5 % of our available"free" time with the Lord.Now don't get too tied up in the math,I know God put this on my heart for me,however,ask yourself these questions:
.Do I go to church every Sunday?
.Do I attend a week day church service?
.Do I take part in a weekly Bible study?
.Do I spend personal prayer time with God?
God wanted me to compare my time with Him, to my time with the T.V.,fiction reading,outside activities,etc.etc.You/I can't be with God if we're watching/doing worldly things that have nothing to do with His word.
God says to pray and seek His face all the time.In other words;see Him and glorify Him in all you do.Is it God 10%,20%,30% 40% etc.I picture ,at judgement day,how I will feel when God asks"My son ,how much time did you give Me in the time you had available?"Think in your mind of looking at the face of God and------you pick your percent,then think of the feeling in your heart of your answer,is it one of joy?or one of OhOh?God wants us to choose His house.Think of how many times we decide not to be with Him,instead,we choose our earthly "gods".
The lesson for me,after this analysis ,was to recognize very quickly ,that my God was NOT the God of the Bible ,but the many earthly pleasure"god's" I had available in my earthly walk.
I hope your not where I was in your life,however,once again,if my weaknesses can strengthen you in seeing what you need to do to grow in your spirituality,than all glory to God!
Until next time ,God bless you,Joe
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