In my last letter I referred to how much God must love us;by creating a human being with a "free will".I would like to expand on that thought.Think of you/me having the power to create a "something "that you have complete control over how that "something" comes out.Let's focus on what we would definitely want from our creation.Here are some thought starters:
.Loyalty,that is ,to do whatever I/we demanded without question.
.24/7 availability[I/we never know when we might need something.
.Always saying,your right,no matter what we do.
I would like you to take a few minutes and think of your creation and add to the list.
I am thinking of the movie "Stepford Wives" the concept was that the men in Stepford,Connecticut didn't appreciate their wives "free will" so they created a robot wife, to replace their human wife, that was PERFECT to their needs about everything they desired!I would venture to say wouldn't that be true for most of us,to create a "something"that does exactly what we want,when we want it?Wow!What a concept;as the song goes"What's love got to do with it?"
Now THAT question brings me to our creator God,love has EVERYTHING to do with His creating us!Think of a Creator that through His love for us ,He gave us a "free will",wanting us to reciprocate His love for us,by us choosing to love Him as much as He loved us[Impossible]knowing full well that so many of His creation would do just the opposite[turn away from Him]starting with the very first;Adam and Eve!God says in the book of Genesis"Let us make man in our image,in our likeness"The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it,and the Lord God commanded the man,"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,for when you eat of it you will surely die."Now here we have the first "Love "commandment,isn't God saying ,choose me or suffer the consequences;in other words ,I give you everything because I love you,now choose to love me,by not doing this one thing.As an aside,people can say God knew what Adam and Eve were going to do,let's talk about predestination!I say ,true He DID know what they were going to do,however,let's remember FREE WILL,Adam and Eve made the decision ON THEIR OWN!Over and over again in the Bible, God showed His love,compassion and patience with His creation.He loves us so much He warns us every time about the consequences,if we don't choose Him;all the way through the book of revelation.Some people would say how could your God be so mean,look at the terrible things He says He is going to do!I say ,look how much He loves us,to warn us of the dire consequences of going against His word.What child could ask anymore from a loving parent?By the way,when was the last time the devil told you what was going to happen to you if you followed him?
I would like you to consider that no human being could ever love you more than our Creator.How quickly would any of us have our only child put to death for the common good?God asks us to have faith in Him through His Son Jesus,isn't it also true that He created us because He had faith in His beloved creation?
Until next time,with Christian love,Joe
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