Hi All,
My family and I just returned from the marriage of my oldest granddaughter,Lyndsay.The ceremony was beautiful and joyous,Lyndsay's father,my son Joe,an ordained minister married Lyndsay and Billy in an outside gorgeous New England "Fall" setting.I was so joyful in watching my son walk his firstborn down the beautiful stone path towards me,where I had the honor of asking "Who gives my Granddaughter to this man?",where upon my son and I changed places and he "wed" the 2 people into "One flesh"according to God's word.
I reflected during part of that day how quickly the days of my life and it's experiences have taken place;it seems like only yesterday I was holding Lyndsay in my arms as a new born.I can remember my mother saying to me ,when she was 88 years old ,how her life had past "Like the blink of an eye",isn't it true of all of us,when we reach a certain age in our life that we come to the same realization? As I approach the Fall/Winter of my life I find myself wondering if I truly enjoyed with a completely full and joyous heart all the blessings God has bestowed on me in my earthly walk.This letter is not meant to be a dissertation on how I missed the "all I could be" in the happiness area of my life,however,it IS to share the new dimension of seeing life's experiences once God enters into my/your life.
God put it on our heart to search Him out.I know in my life,no matter how "the world" perceived me and my earthly success,there was a vague "somethings missing" following me around in the bosom of my inner heart.I quote from my mother,once again,"Put God first and all else will follow",I might add all peace will follow,life's experiences will be shared with your family and loved ones from a new eternal love perspective.The richness of our life will be enhanced, because we understand the reason for our existence is to use our free will to find our God and give Him the glory for creating us and that we choose His House forever .
I know for most of us when we attend a funeral or wedding the older members of the family invariably say "We only get together anymore for weddings or funerals" isn't that a sad commentary on all of us ;who better to share our everyday life and it's experiences with our immediate "blood" family as well as, our Church family.How many of our family is even going to church?Now that's another story!
I have written earlier letters on the blessings of my life and the wonderful tapestry woven throughout it by my shared experiences with family and friends.I ask you to reflect on this question:Are you "seeing"from your heart all the fullness life has to offer because you know the "real"reason for your existence and you found God and your putting Him first in all you do,including helping your loved ones to find the reason for their existence,to choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior?We are commanded to love one another,what better way than being a disciple for our God in Heaven"No greater love has man ,then giving up his life for another"I might suggest we also show greater love to man when helping "save"another by leading other people to God through our Christian walk with Him.
In closing,please remember"This life won't take long---Did it"!so enjoy the time you have left,sharing your love of God with all those that are part of your life's experiences.Until next time,Joe
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