One of my brothers-in-law Ed, is in the end stages of Alzheimer disease;a terrible,debilitating to both mind and body scourge for the person;and a physical sapping,faith challenging, trial for the family.
Eds mind is not there for us anymore.Where is it?Where has it gone?The only answer for some people is, we don't know,and we will never know.Can there be another truth,another answer,another something?You be the judge;based on the following experience my sister Joan,Eds wife, shared with me today.I want to give you some background,we have been praying that in spite of what we see,that our father God is letting Ed know, in his spiritual heart, that He is with him, and will never leave him. Jesus said,in Matthew,chapter11.vs29 and 30"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me ,for I am gentle and humble in heart,and you will find rest for your souls,for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Ed, most often, does not recognize Joan or his children.He does not speak coherently,however,this is what he said to my sister.'I want to go through the gate"My sister asked ;is there a light?Ed replied,"yes,it is beautiful,there are many people there."Is our prayer being answered?Is father God letting us know that we are not to worry?Is Ed protected by his promise,he will never leave us?God says his love for us is all encompassing ,does that mean Ed has spiritual peace?Psalm 23;verse4"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ,I will fear no evil,for you are with me,your rod and your staff,they comfort me".
As a Christian,I believe Ed is being comforted by our God as he goes through this valley, the end of his earthly life.Who are we to poo-poo what we don't know,and not grasp what our father God 's word tells us?
I pray for Ed,Joan and their family,when God speaks to us ,let's discern his truth from our unwillingness to hear it.Where is Ed?Where God wants him:In his arms.
May you find God's eternal truth in your walk through this life. Joe
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