Saturday, September 15, 2012

Franks Transition Is Complete.

My father-in-law,Frank Heck, made the transition from this life to his eternal reward at 6:00 p.m. Sunday 9/09.
     As a reflection on his life ,I want to share a story of two men,[Frank and Jesus the Nazarene] and an attitude of a "servants heart".
The first man in this story is Frank Heck ,and the legacy he left behind as seen through the eyes of several people who knew him for a substantial part of his life,or in the case of his daughter Toni ,and one of his grandchildren,RandyAnn all of theirs.
Ferd grew up in the neighbor hood with Frank.Owen came into Frank's life in the 9th grade.These men remained a major part of Frank's life right up to the burial of their dear friend.In answering the question as to why Frank remained their closest friend for so many years,their answer was eloquent in its simplicity;Frank left a legacy of loyalty,trust,honesty,and NEVER said a negative word about anyone,also,my interpretation from their words,Frank possessed a "servants heart".By the way,a consistent theme from everyone who knew him;from the post office men,Dan and Brett,where Frank worked right up to the DAY he was taken to the hospital ,to the ladies at the Dorcas Library of Carey,where Frank worked for over 25 yrs.Owen shared with me that Frank's passing was a 3 dimension event in his life;the passing of his youth,his connection to his home town of Carey,and most sadly,he lost his closest "bud".Toni will always carry in her heart ,a father that loved her unconditionally,no matter where or what was happening in her life ,never questioning,always answering.Randy Ann;the patient and loving answers from a grandfather who took the time to let her know ,from a little girl to a grown woman that she was important to him.Pam ,Shari and Randy,the stepchildren,to know that Frank,as Pam said it,"Frank made us feel as he loved us as his own".
     The most important part of this story is;the part where Frank found Jesus the Nazarene in his life through the ministry of Billy Graham,one of the most known evangelists of our time  and culminated in the giving of himself to Jesus,our lord and savior, at the kitchen table ,with his beloved daughter Toni and me several years ago.All glory to God!
     Jesus was the only man that said "I am God,You will kill me and three days later,I will come back from the dead,and he DID.That is why we have faith in being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.I quote from his word,the bible,John chapter 5v24"I tell you the truth,whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will cross over from death to life".John chapter 6v29"The work of God is this:to believe in the one he has sent".
Frank has made the transition,he trusted and believed Jesus told the truth,John chapter 3v16 "for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
    When are you going to be able to say,I have been transformed to a new person,I believe in the words of Jesus the Nazarene?Frank Heck; a legacy indeed!
I am praying for all blessings on your journey towards YOUR eternal reward,Joe


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