Monday, August 2, 2010

I Didn't Know How To Pray!

Hi All,
I want to talk about or better yet,to think about prayer and the steps needed on our part for God to hear us.I am continuing to learn how to pray in faith through God's word of truth NEEDING TO KNOW HIS WORD OF TRUTH !
I find it so amazing that all my/your questions regarding God's heart and thought process is readily available to us in His God breathed word,the Bible.For most of my life I prefaced my prayer requests with the phrase"If It be your will"when I was diagnosed with cancer, God led me to find out what His will was/is regarding prayer requests.I quote from 2Chronicles chp.7v14"If my people which are called by my name,shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face,and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land"When did saying "I will pray for you "become so trite?;not in the thought of praying,but the standard of God's word in your heart.Let me explain;God's word says"turn away from your wicked ways"How many of us pray and then go back to the same "sins"Example:go back to my anger,my drugs,my alcohol,my homosexuality,my lying,my cheating,etc.,etc,you get the point,I get the point!God is NOT saying I/you will not sin again,He knows we are too weak;but,where is the HEART CHANGE to learn and study His word through the Bible and then start walking,in your heart,as a humble,seeking God's Face,turning from our wicked ways and then "I YOUR GOD WILL HEAR YOU AND WILL FORGIVE YOU"
I will continue to let God be specific on this subject from His Immaculate word.I quote from Psalms66V18:"If I regard iniquity in my heart,the Lord will not hear me"
I will use the following passage from Dakes Annotated Reference Bible:
"Regarding iniquity of the heart is the reason for many unanswered prayers,the writer says,If I had seen iniquity in my heart and encouraged it ;if I had pretended to be what I was not;and I had loved iniquity while I professed to pray and be sorry for my sin,the Lord would not have healed me.I would have been left with out His help and support in my time of trouble"SIN HINDERS FAITH ,AND LACK OF FAITH HINDERS ANSWERS.I am back to the beginning.I/We must know God's word in the foundation of our heart and have complete faith in them,causing a heart change, to have blessings and prayer answered.
There are many specific passages in the Bible on God's will in answering prayer for physical healing.See the following:
Exodus C23V25,26;Psalms 103;Psalms 107V20;Proverbs C4V22;Matthew C4V23-25;Matthew C9V35,36;Luke C6V17-19.There are many more references regards complete healing,as well as,ANYTHING YOU ASK IN JESUS'S NAME in the new testament;see John C14V12,13;Acts C28V9;James C5V14,15.
The point of this letter is,once again,for my journey of life to be a blessing to you by my sharing my experiences in my earthly/spiritual walk, led by God's immaculate truth as He has caused and blessed me in finding it through His word in the Bible.
Until next time,God bless all of you,Joe

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