Hi All,
Have you ever considered the fact that of all the BILLIONS of people that have been born and died;and the cycle continues until the very end of this world as we know it,that there will NEVER be another YOU?God has created each of us as a once, never to be duplicated child of His!{My wife would say thank you Lord lol}I know that most of us don't think of ourselves in this light,however,reflect on the fact of this truth for a moment;YOU/ME WILL NEVER BE DUPLICATED!I ask you to think of the responsibility of your life wrapped around the reality of this statement.
God created a you and me and watched us make our "free will" decisions,always with unmeasureable love in His heart,but with great consternation and sadness when we walked away from Him.
I want us to think today about our legacy;what will we leave behind from our human/spiritual walk?Will we be remembered as a kind,patient,sharing,emulating Jesus human being,certainly with our weaknesses and flaws,but ,if someone were to sum up our life in a sentence or two what would it be ?When God put this thought on my heart that was when the change to Him came about.I concluded that my "sins"were always about my selfish needs 100% of the time!I just had to have, whatever it was NOW!I/We can SAY I love you to those around us;family and friends included,however,it's the DO that's the truth of our heart.
God knows we are going to fall down in this life,the question becomes,are we going to pick ourselves up,ask His foregiveness,grow spiritually from the experience, seek His Face,or continue to walk "on the dark side"?For many years I made so many excuses and justifications for my failures as a man,father,son,husband and friend,I could write a book![bear in mind,the truth of these sin's were hidden from everyone except between God and my heart}.
God says ,in the Bible ,that the greatest commandment is to love each other as He loves us;duh!if you truly love someone wouldn't the last thing you want to do is hurt them?I didn't stop loving the people I hurt in my life,my selfish needs proved I didn't love them enough to put their feelings first before mine got in the way!
In closing ,I would ask each of you to consider,what is going to be your legacy to those you leave behind,and what will our Father in heaven say to you in greeting you for all of eternity "job well done "or something that may cause you to go "OH,OH!
Until next time ,God bless each of you on this wonderful walk through this life,Joe
I love your heart your such a gentle spirit caring and loving man of God. Always a blessing sir
ReplyDeleteI love your heart your such a gentle spirit caring and loving man of God. Always a blessing sir