I was talking with my brother Ray last night,the conversation covered several subjects; from our health ,family updates,and generally the process of our lives on this earthly journey.I know from my perspective,and I'm sure Ray's ,the most important time was spent in the prayer we shared asking our Father God to guide and lead us on future decisions we will make,and more importantly,that we would be given the Spirit driven words to bring our unsaved loved ones to Jesus our Lord and Savior.
I was reflecting this morning of how much time my brother Ray and I have missed sharing our life's experiences because of our personality differences ,thought process differences[mostly leading to angry arguments]and vocational choice differences[management vs. union].I am sure we both would have preferred an "adult" conversation ,however,we could not stop ourselves from the big brother/little brother rivalry,me being the big brother.I must admit,however,that I carry the burden of knowing that part of my problem was my own disease of "self righteousness" and I'm always right attitude.
My change to the better ,having found God in my life,for the past 25 years was unseen by Ray because of what happened before the spiritual transition.As I was reflecting on this the Holy Spirit put on my heart not to FOCUS ON WHAT WAS MISSED,IT"S WHAT YOU FOUND".The healing process has been a gradual happening over time as we stayed away from any "heavy"subjects and just shared "light"conversation to include Rays' hunting and fishing adventures,my retirement activities,and family updates.In my mind,the epicenter of the transition came when Ray and I had a spiritual conversation highlighted by my leading him in the sinners prayer to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.My brother is a strong follower of the Roman Catholic Church,however,I was concerned that their teaching on being "Born Again" was less specific than what God required;it was a very emotional time for the both of us,I never felt closer to my brother !The crux,the point,the purpose of this letter is ;you can't go back and lament what was lost,but to enjoy the new relationship that was found!How many times have we "robbed"ourselves of the joy of a new ,improved,fulfilling relationship with someone we love by rehashing the old? God,in His infinite wisdom,said when we accept Him and ask for forgiveness of our sins,He not only will forgive us ,He will NEVER bring them up again" as far as the east is from the west". The bottom line is, if it's a good enough truth of our Heavenly Father,it should be good enough for us!Until next time,enjoy your new found relationships and don't waste time on what was wrong before you found the delight in this "new"love experience.God bless all of you on your journey towards Him,Joe
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