I wonder how many times in our life I/We "shorted"ourselves on joy because we didn't take the action to accept it when offered!We need to set up the scenario for a "joy"experience;because we never know when it's going to be available.Examples of possible joy situations not experienced, for whatever reasons, are necessary to get us started on "Where Did The Joy Come From?".I will list a few;
.A social event with friends-not attended.
.A wedding,graduation,birthday etc.-not attended.
.Time spent with the children,just because.-not finding the time.
.Time spent with your spouse,just the 2 of you.-not doing it.
.Time spent with your Christian family[church]-not getting involved.
There are many instances in our life where the potential for joy is missed,because we made the decision to NOT be part of sharing our life with others!I know each of us has had the experience of saying "Wow!I'm glad I decided to attend that gathering,I had a great time."Joy came to us because we made the decision to take part!
I am in the midst of my "process of life" where my body is causing me to make decisions that have the potential to rob me of "joy"situations.I,along with many others who care for and love me continue to pray for receiving God's healing on my body.I am a blessed man!I have written in an earlier letter how our afflictions can become a blessing by allowing our faith in God to raise us up to see the big picture;our earthly mortality versus our eternal soul life with Him. The purpose of this letter is to share the joy that can come in the least likely places.
Toni and I had our first chemo treatment last Wednesday,an 8 hour event.There are 22 reclining chairs in the "treatment"room ,people come and go,all ages,some healthier than others,however,all with one thing in common;cancer.I am an observer by nature,and to pass time ,I observed personalities/attitudes of the patients,nurses,visitors,etc.A patient by the name of Bob was in the chair close to mine and I knew from the conversation with the nurse that this was his first treatment and he was nervous and somewhat fearful,in spite of his attempt at humor the nurse was very "standoffish" and "curt".At a point in time I started a conversation with Bob and offered him 1/2 of my sandwich[he was by himself and didn't bring anything to eat or drink,the treatment is long and certainly no picnic:)]The point is,because we started to laugh and "share",both of us experienced joy from each other.I found out later from the nurse,as she was changing my IV,that her attitude was negative for two reasons,2 of her favorite patients had died and she was "burnt out"from not having a day off.Once she unburdened herself to me,surprising me, when I asked her an innocent question "Are you OK?"her light of goodness came flowing from her and she became a joy to me and the other patients;she also shared that she was a "born again" Christian and this particular day was so unlike her.I am amazed that sometime in the most negative of circumstances,that joy can be found if we just reach out and look for it.
I am thinking now of the spiritual joy that God brings in to our heart when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior;when I am lower than low,when I've reached bottom,when I don't know where to turn,THERE HE IS,bringing me the greatest joy known to man!By His grace I am Healed!I know there isn't any greater joy than this truth from Him;NEVER to leave me!!I/We are His creation,I am sure HIS joy is great when We CHOOSE HIM!
Until next time,look for the joy possibilities in all your circumstances,after all,God IS in control,with Christian love,Joe
I HAVE HEALED YOU, I AM HEALING YOU, AND I WILL HEAL YOU AGAIN !!! ......does next week work for you? GOD.