While I was receiving my chemo treatment today,I was thinking about my process of life;you know,a review of my past;my accepting Jesus and my "heart change",the ups, the downs,the blessings,my family,my friends etc.Those of you that know me are aware that one of my commonly used phrases is"that's the process of life".The spirit put on my heart to talk about,and compare that phrase to God's process in our life.
Now this letter will be interesting,because I don't know where I'm going with this.I suppose that has been true of all my letters.The Holy Spirit guides me and I write;I haven't shared that thought with you before,however,I am sure you would agree it's much easier on the "set up" if you know what your goal is.All I know is this voice in my heart says,write about this subject and I will guide you.AMAZING!
I will use just one example in my life to compare the 2 processes;I know there are many I could use,however,my diagnosis of cancer has changed me so many different ways,lets use "it" as a starting point.
.The life process
The statistics show one out of every two men born in America today will die of cancer,and one of every three women.I mention this, because I am sure most of us have experienced someone in our life "getting"cancer or dying from this terrible disease[perhaps it's the treatment that's so terrible-different subject]
Upon diagnosis,my life process for my wife Toni and me was,share the shock,ask the questions,take action.To include,notifying family and friends,seeing specialists,making decisions on course of treatment etc.More importantly,seeing my mortality,and carrying 24/7 the weight of the diagnosis.As part of this life process,there are many "afraid"moments,[hardly shared],many minutes thinking of the dire future scenarios,the trusting of the "earth"specialists.I could go on but, I'm sure you get the point.I'm thinking that this life process is probably the most likely scenario for an Agnostic,an Atheist,or someone that is unsure of whether or not there is a Creator God and if there is,He has to be too busy to worry about me..I would ask you now to take a few minutes and ask yourself,have you ever had a situation in your life that has caused you to have a similar life process I just described?Now the God process,the joy of finding Him many years ago,and the peace of knowing He will NEVER leave me,ALWAYS love me,I am heaven bound!Thank you,Jesus!
.The process of God in our life
God ,through the Holy Spirit,came to me as a quiet voice at 1:30am the very first night of my diagnosis.I couldn't sleep,I was prowling around the house;He said"write a journal"I said "what?,I never have liked to write"He said "do it,I will guide you"Wow!as Pastor Goss has asked"Is it me?God?or the devil?"I prayed for the answer,the quiet voice insisted for several hours,I started a journal!!for a period of several days,always in the wee hours of the morning{the voice in my heart would wake me up,it is time to write,weird huh?]I wrote about,not only the cancer but,my life up to that point as follows; ;my team[with God in the lead],my fear[He took it away,using my sister Mary as His intermediary].I wrote about how to pray for healing[His truth from the Bible],about His glory,about my day of atonement[all the times I walked away from Him],how to enjoy each day[His perspective from the Bible],about being"born again"and my heart change,and finally,I choose God's House. Get behind me devil!
All of this writing was done prior to surgery.Several weeks went by and all I heard from the Holy Spirit was trust me.Then came the day when the Holy Spirit told me to start a "Blog"sharing my life's experiences.So here we are ;my desire to share ,your decision to read.In the end,like me you will have to decide what does my earthly/spiritual walk have to do with you?Can it change how you think about things?Can my weaknesses keep you from making the same mistakes?,and more importantly,which process will you choose?The life process or the God process? More importantly, will you find the "True God" before you take your last breath?I want you to know I got it!!Will you?If so,All glory to God!Until next time,with Christian love,Joe
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