Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Glory of God

Hi Everyone,
Today God put it on my heart to talk about His Glory.
Everything we accomplish,as a Christian,must be for the glory of God.I am including all things, from the day we were saved to all our earthly success,all our earthly trials,all our spiritual awakenings,to overcoming the devils' temptations.
God has put it in our hearts that the Holy Spirit is always with us once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior;it is then we realize God was ALWAYS available to us.We had to make the choice to choose His House.
As the t.v. commercial goes "can you hear me now",for so many years i said "no",once i did "hear Him" He said "good"My getting it was surely for His Glory!I must represent myself to other Christians and non-believers as a walking,practicing,growing in God's word,Christian for the glory of God;not mine as"look what I'm doing",it's look what God is doing in my life.This is a "right" heart issue;it's from our heart being given completely to God the Father,Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit that we can know the Glory goes to God.
When i started this message,i said God has put it on my heart,as i think about it ,God puts all things right on our heart,this is how the Holy Spirit directs us.We are not to go through life prefacing everything we do with "God has put it on my heart ";in the first place,the devil puts it on our heart to sin.The answer is to listen to the Holy Spirit as He puts All Glory to God on our heart and react as a Christian.
In essence then,as we grow in the knowledge of God's word the people we come into contact with will see the Glory of God through our heart actions.
The Holy Spirit God speaks softly and will not beg us to take Gods' path,we answer His calling or not,through our free choice.So,for most of my life i needed a sledge hammer,now, i get it,all glory to God. God bless,until next time.


  1. Hello All..Today Pastor spoke about the person who appears to have everything but inside is filled with constant worry and fear,opposed to a person who has nothing even perhaps severely disabled but who is always happy and cheerful.He asked what makes the difference? Well Joe you hit the nail on the head it's simply a matter of having faith and trusting that God will always take care of us. We make the choice be happy or sad,angry or calm.etc. I can only think of one being who wants us miserable and thats the devil. I also know that no matter what age we attain he will chase us down to our last dying breath. Someone used to always say to me "let go let God" I never grasped the true meaning of that until I turned 58+. As I grow in my walk of faith I KNOW that God will never leave me and if that devil sticks those marshmallows in my face the HOLY SPIRIT will give me the strength to throw them back in his face because I choose not to roast marshmallows as much as I like them forever. God Bless us all...have a happy 4th of July
